Dec 16
Starts December 16
Delivered over 30 days, this powerful program is based around a simple idea: when you develop the right mindset, skillset and habitset, you can effectively and successfully lead any change in your organization and on your team.
Based on the principles and competencies in the bestselling book, From Bud to Boss, this program teaches core principles, techniques and approaches that new and frontline leaders need to master their role and succeed right from the start!
Our Train-the-Trainer solutions allow trainers the chance to learn and practice the Bud to Boss program so it can be successfully delivered within your organization. We provide all of the materials your trainers need and work with them to facilitate the workshop in the most effective way possible.
A small group experience delivered in 6 online sessions teaching all of the skills remote leaders need, including building a virtual team, leading virtual meetings, presenting effectively, coaching from a distance and much more.